CNI News

26 July 2023

The Tatmadaw probably has been attacking Kachin Independence Army (KIA) because it wanted to control KIA's supporting activities to Sagaing Region and Chin State, said U Thein Tun Oo, director of the Thayninga Institute for Strategy Studies, to CNI News. 

Because the KIA has interfered with the domestic stability, the Tatmadaw is attacking it, he said.

"A place that often ignites armed conflicts will be included in the military solution. It goes without saying. KIA has greatly increased its supporting activities to upper Sagaing Region and Chin State. The Tatmadaw needs to control that, I think. And KIA's military activities have interfered with the domestic stability." he said.    

Nam Sanyang area where battles are going on

There are reviews saying that the KIA is giving or selling a lot of weapons to the PDFs. The battles were taking place between the Tatmadaw and the KIA starting from 1st July in Nam Sang Yang. Until now, the two sides have been tense in military, and there were bombings in Nam Sang Yang on 21st July.

CNI tried to contact Col. Nawbu, KIA's information officer, but has not been able to contact him. Nam Sang Yang is an important place to trade with China, so the Tatmadaw is possibly attacking the place, said U Kun Gaung Aung Kham, a Kachin politician to CNI News.

A PDF Force under the command of the KIA

" Nam Sang Yang is a geopolitically important place because it's the nearest place when trading with China. Nam Sang Yang - Laiza route is the nearest one to China. And there are a lot of democratic forces in the KIA control area including Bamar and other ethnic youths. Moreover, the Tatmadaw probably wants to occupy that part. In any case, KIA also is not in a situation to give in when fighting breaks out. KIA has a lot of alliances including Arakan Army (AA), the People' Defense Force (PDF) and Gorkha forces. KIA and its alliance forces have occupied around that area by the thousand and they have been strongly defensing. So, the Tatmadaw dropped the bombs on Nam Sang Yang, I think." he said.

However, the Tatmadaw doesn't seem to drop the bombs on Laiza, headquarters of KIA, because it is too close to the Chinese border, he added. 

Nam Sang Yang Village is on the road between Myitkyina and Bamaw and it is the nearest village to the KIA headquarters. It is just 10 miles from Nam Sang Yang to Laiza.