CNI News

21 July 2023

Among the three brokers who trafficked four young Rakhine women from the Sittwe township in Rakhine State, the two has been arrested and taking actions against them is underway. 
Four young Rakhine women were sent to Yangon from Sittwe and then to Dubai via Yangon through contacts and connections from Ma Nanda and Ma Khaing Than Aye. 

The four young women were seen and met by Panpan (b) Khaing Sanda at Dubai Airport and were taken away. After that, the four young women were sent to UAE, Iraq and Saudi Arabia reportedly.

Ma Nanda and Panpan (b) Khaing Sanda have been arrested and taken actions against and at the request of family members of those trafficked, they are helping and supporting to enable to arrest human traffickers, said U Tin Htoo Aung, chairman of Arakan National Network to CNI News.

Ko Tin Htoo Aung

" We are mainly responsible to help and support for the national interest of Rakhine people. What we can perform, firstly we have to enable family members to open a case for human trafficking with the support of our mentors and legal advisors. Those who are trafficked are abroad. If the country where they are has Myanmar Embassy, we can send an open letter to the ambassador and ask for help. We are to do so." he said.  

The four young women who are trafficked were told that they would get jobs in a beauty parlor and were taken to Dubai. But about one week after they reached Dubai, they were told that there were no more jobs and sent to Iraq and Saudi Arabia reportedly.

" 21 days later, my daughter contacted me. She told me that she was in Iraq. When I told her that she had been trafficked, I thought, she replied 'Yes'. I didn't know what to know at that time. My daughter reported this or that small group that she was trafficked. My daughter told me that she had been locked in a room when they asked her to work and fed her about every five days. She had to stay with the girls who went together with her in the same room sometimes. Only when my daughter had to work in other houses for two or three days, she could have meal. If she was sent to the office, she was handcuffed. She had nothing to eat." said the mother whose daughter was trafficked to CNI News.

A junction in Rakhine State

The four young Rakhine women have been in Iraq and Saudi Arabia at present and he is carrying out to liberate them, said U Tin Htoo Aung, adding that he was able to carry out successfully a human trafficking case in Oman.  

Because the political and economic crises have been taking place starting from late 2021 and jobs have been scarce, some people have committed human trafficking, taking advantage of the fact that people are badly in need of jobs and money reportedly.