CNI News

18 July 2023

Reviews and discussions are underway among the politicians and revolutionary forces relating to whether the election of a Thai Prime Minister at the Thai parliament will impact on the Myanmar Spring Revolution or not. 

If Pita Limjaroenrat, leader of Move Forward Party was elected as the Prime Minister, more humanitarian aids for the IDPs along the Thai-Myanmar border could be provided and pressure on revolutionary forces could decrease, said Ko Banyar, director of Kareni Human Rights Group to CNI News.

"Thailand always adheres to a neutral policy. Its interest is related to a long border between Myanmar and Thailand. The Myanmar military council has controlled power. Thailand has not wanted a military confrontation. And Thailand won't bet on who will win politically. it seems to weigh on existing investments and attractions matched with the military." he said.

The Move Forward Party that won the most seats in the Thai election nominated Pita, the party leader, for the position of Prime Minister. 

And then a decision was made by voting in the parliament for the position of Prime Minister on 13th July. Pita received only 324 upvotes. Only if he received 376 votes, he would be the Prime Minister.So, a second time decision will be made by voting in the parliament on 19th July.

soldiers deployed to prevent protests(EPA)

If Pita was elected as the Prime Minister, there probably would be changes in ASEAN as well. Peter's election was welcomed by their democratic institutions, said U Myo Kyaw, spokesperson of the United Nationalities Alliance (UNA) to CNI News.

" The effect may be more or less if he is elected. Thailand is Myanmar's neighbouring country. Many comrades participating in the Spring Revolution and democratic groups are along the Thai-Myanmar border and some of them are sort of taking refuge in Thailand. He had said that if he led the government, they would carry out for the democrats and Myanmar as much as they can. So,we have to say there would be an impact if he was elected," he said.

demonstrations in Hlaing Tharyar Township on 14th March, 2021(FrontierMyanmar)

Because Prayuth, Prime Minister of the current Thai caretaker government, has a close relation with the SAC, democratic groups and revolutionary groups are struggling. If a democratic leader like Pita became the Prime Minister, it would benefit the groups a lot, he said.

The Myanmar-Thai border is 1,314 miles long and along the border, Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS/SSA), Karen National Union (KNU), Karencesi National Progressive Party (KNPP), United Wa State Army (UWSA/UWSP) and Spring Revolutionary forces are moving actively.