CNI News

15 July 2023

There are reviews and discussions among political community and international diplomats whether the people of Myanmar are ready to adopt the democratic system. It has only been a few years since the democratic system was implemented in Myanmar and the people still need to know the standards of democracy, said some politicians.
Politicians are more responsible to make the people know the rules of democracy, said U Ye Tun, Myanmar political analyst to CNI News.

" A political system, especially a constitution - how should a constitution be?. It needs to have fewer flaws. What I mean is whether a constitution possibly encourages separatism or unity. And to what extent will give autonomy and self-selection to choose their governments to the units involved. They are generally decided by those who are skillful in politics and political parties. So, it's important how much the people believe in the organization or the party that will decide. What I want to say is, as a matter of fact, most of the people don't understand clearly how the constitution works and its effectiveness. If a party that they believe supports or presents something, they will also support. So, politicians are more responsible." he said.

Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing

Although the democratic system was implemented in 2010, democracy was destroyed because the Tatmadaw took power in 2021, some people pointed out. However, he was implementing and adopting democracy, said often Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.  

Most of the people don't know the rules of democracy that the people must abide by, said U Li Paw Reh, chairman of Lisu National Development Party(Dulei Party), to CNI News.

" Our public still doesn't understand the rules of democracy, that I dare say. Democracy has its rules.It doesn't mean absolute freedom. Everyone has to abstain from making others go into trouble or embarrass others in a democracy. To tell you frankly, our democracy was fledgling. Many people think that they can do what they like,"he said.

casting ballots in an election

The fact that it is based on a multi-party democratic system is included in the 2008 Constitution. Hluttaws are formed with elected representatives and executive power can be applied.

According to the multi party democratic system, 2010 general election, 2012 by-election, 2015 general election, 2017 by-election and 2020 general election were held in Myanmar.