CNI News

15 July 2023

Although violences have decreased, they go on existing and there are still requirements to fully carry out for the stability, peace and rule of law, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the State Administrative Council(SAC). 
He said as above at the Union Government Meeting held on 13th July.

The SAC must carry out for the peace, stability and rule of law and many innocent people, government employees and monks or religious people were killed between 2021 and 2022. So,in relation to the state of emergency, because the SAC needed to go on carrying out, he had clearly said to renew the state of emergency, said Chairman of the SAC. 
"Terrorists conducted 489 explosions and 782 people were killed up to 11th July this year. Although violences have decreased, they go on taking place. There are requirements to fully carry out for the peace, stability and rule of law." he said.

Among the violence incidents, the worst incidents are taking place in Sagaing Region, Chin State and Kayah State. So, They needed to carry out more for the public security, he added.

“When the SAC had renewed the six months to the state of emergency two years after it took the responsibility of the State, it laid down the five processes to be carry out and has carried out, which must be urgently conducted and the government has to implement them, said Chairman of the SAC, adding that among the processes, the most important one was that they must carry out emphatically to fully achieve stability, peace and rule of law.
Among the processes, the last one was that when the provisions for the period of emergency have been carried out completely, a free and fair general election must be held again in accord with the 2008 Constitution and the responsibility of the State must be handed over to the winning party in accord with the democratic standards. To do so, first process must be carried out emphatically” he said.

They can't carry out the state building work, the state development work and the state peace and stability work without national income and if the economy was not good, crime would increase. Some violence incidents are kidnapping and asking money and family members were included in some violence incidents, he said.

The SAC renewed anymore of six months to the state of emergency on 31st January 2023 according to the Section 425 after a meeting of the National Defense and Security Council was held.

As the state of emergency was extended by six months on 31st January 2023 and it will expire on 31st July 2023. A meeting of the National Defense and Security Council is called on 1st August and whether the SAC will renew anymore of 6 months or not must be decided at the meeting. Normally, the emergency period can be extended by two times with 6 months for one time according to the Section 425. 
According to the speech of Chairman of the SAC who said that there are still violences, six months will probably extended to the state of emergency, said politicians.