CNI News

1 July 2023

NCA signatory EAOs currently discussing with SAC could not discuss on behalf of PPST( Peace Process Steering Team) anymore, said Col. Saw Kyaw Nyunt, spokesperson of PPST to CNI. 

The processes of Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) have stopped since the Tatmadaw took power on the first of February, 2021, he said.

"That we are now discussing is not to implement the processes of NCA. And we were never able to go to discuss because we were invited on behalf of PPST. We just were able to go as seven groups of NCA-S EAOs or five groups of NCA-s EAOs that we call." Col. Saw Kyaw Nyunt.

Delegates from seven NCA signatory groups of PPST and ones from NSPNC

The discussions between five groups of PPST and SAC's peace committee were held from 26th to 28th June in Naypyidaw. Col.Khun Okka told at the discussion that they were discussing for the policy of the ten groups of PPST.

In the past, PPST contained 10 NCA signatory EAOs and they were the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), Karen National Union(KNU), Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO), Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA), KNU/KNLA Peace Council, Chin National Front (CNF), Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), All Burma Students Democratic Front (ABSDF), New Mon State Party (NMSP) and Lahu Democratic Union.

But KNU, RCSS, ABSDF and CNF reduced their levels of participation after the Tatmadaw took power. After that, NMSP reduces its participation level in May 2022 reportedly. The processes of NCA cannot be implemented at present and the organization of PPST is variously viewed, said Col.Saw Kyaw Nyunt.

Five NCA signatories that attended the discussion with NSPNC on 26th June 2023

" Seven groups will fully take part in PPST and the rest three groups - KNU, CNF and RCSS will still be as joint groups since April 2022 that we agreed." he said.

Currently, KNU, CNF and ABSDF that signed at CNA are actively fighting against the Tatmadaw.