CNI News
29 June 2023

Their five groups are discussing for the collective policy or contents laid down by the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST) that was formed with 10 NCA signatories, said Col. Khun Okka.

Among the PPST members, Karen National Union(KNU), Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), Chin National Front (CNF), All Burma Students Democratic Front (ABSDF) and New Mon State Party resigned from membership and reduced the level of their participation.

Other members of PPST - Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO), Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), Lahu Democratic Union (LDU), Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) and KNU/KNLA Peace Council, formed D5PM ( Delegation 5 PPST's Members) and they are discussing for peace with the SAC's peace committee in Naypyidaw from 26th to 28th June.

2023 On May 17, while meeting the representatives of 7 PPST groups

"When the PPST was formed, 10 NCA signatories joined the team. Peace processes were implemented step by step. After political changes took place in february 2021,  some members of PPST reduced their member status. So, seven members of PPST took part in peace talks since 2022 as each group and as three in one group.But today for many reasons, as our five groups only, we have taken part in discussion, maintaining collective discussion policy" said Col.Khun Okka, leader of 5 group delegation on 26th June.

They were presenting and discussing for the collective policy laid down by 10 members of PPST and not the policy of their five groups, said Col.Khun Okka.

2023 In March, when representatives of 7 groups of NSPNC and PPST met

They would report the results from peace talks with National Solidarity and Peace Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) including ones from the discussion between the delegates of five groups and NSPNC and ones from the discussion between each group and NSPNC from 26th to 28th June, to five rest members that were included in the PPST when it was formed, he said.

The delegates from five members of PPST and NSPNC had discussion about the points to be amended from the Constitution (2008), matters relating to implementation
of the points agreed in previous talks, holding a peace conference, regional stability and anti-drug were discussed and negotiated.