CNI News

27 June 2023

There are reviews on whether Indonesia's efforts to reduce the Tatmadaw's involvement in Myanmar politics can work or not.Indonesia, which has been serving as the rotating chairman of ASEAN, is willing to try to make the Tatmadaw retreat from politics gradually and Indonesian Army also gradually retreated from politics, said Indomesia.

Most of the people said the Tatmadaw should retreat from politics and whenever the military was said so, the Tatmadaw said that they would retreat from politics only when there were no more ethnic armed groups, said Daw Saw Mya Yarzar Lin, chairperson of Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) to CNI News.

U Thein Sein

" According to the experience we tried, when there was Hluttaw politics or previous political administration systems, almost everybody used to say that the Tatmadaw should retreat from politics. The Tatmadaw used to reply that they would retreat from politics only when there were no more EAOs.So, in my opinion, we need to have fair negotiations between EAOs and the government and the Tatmadaw. When we negotiate,we tend to say malnly what we want. We maintain weapons why. On the other hand, we can't give that. If we give that to you, the union will disintegrate. There are wide attitude gaps between the government, the Tatmadaw and EAOs. We need to negotiate badly" she said.

Indonesian officials secretly go to Naypyidaw and discuss with SAC officials and there are also reportedly official meetings between the two sides On condition that the country could go in a stable way in accord with the 2008 Constitution, the Tatmadaw might retreat from politics and but according to current situation, the Tatmadaw didn't seem to accept the suggestion to retreat from politics, said U Ye Tun, Myanmar Politics analyst to CNI.

the Hluttaw

" If I guess what they said, the Tatmadaw may accept like what Indonesia did. But they guessed that they would retreat from politics when battles especially the battles between the Tatmadaw and EAOs are under control after the country went in a stable way in accord with the 2008 Constitution for long and when peace is guaranteed  after the change which needs for federalism was conducted. According to the current situation, because they are afraid that the country will fall apart and become chaotic, they won't accept if they are urged to renounce politics at present, I think," he said.

According to the 2008 Constitution, the Tatmadaw has the right to appoint 25 percent of the Hluttaw without having to be elected. During the last civilian government.

There were some discussions about a gradual reduction of the Tatmadaw's involvement in politics.