CNI News

16 June 2023

Discussions are underway among political community in relation to civilian deaths during armed conflicts. 

Battles are taking place between the Tatmadaw and PDFs as well as between the Tatmadaw and ethnic armed groups in Myanmar.As time go on, mutual accusationa, killings, and arrestings have increased An non-aligned organization should intervene the civilian death problem, said U Sein Win, former member of the Pyithu Hluttaw to CNI.

five PDFs and a civilian seen after being killed in southern part of Myaing

" Because I have a desire to solve the problem,I have alarmed former members of Hluttaw. As soon as we have formed an organisaion and drawn a plan, we will present our plan to SAC after asking permission to meet.If SAC accepts our plan, we will contact to other side. I'd like to mediate to make both sides negotiate.But according to current situations, it's hard to start even in local" he said.

Li Li Naing Kyaw, a singer, was shot outside her apartment on the night of 30th May and died on 6th June.

Li Li Naing Kyaw was killed by Kaung Zarni Hein (B) La Pyayt and Kyaw Thura (B) E.T and Kaung Zarni Hein's mother and elder sister also were killed.

With the political landscape that has changed after 1st February, 2021, armed conflicts have intensified and all over the country many civilians are being killed with accusations of espionag. Moreover,with the accusations of being an advocate of violence, many civilians are being killed Civilians are being killed.

The reason why civilians are victims of armed conflicts  is due to the consequences of not implementing the Panglong contract, said U Kwan Kayaung Aung Kham, a Kachin politician, to CNI.

some local PDFs seen somewhere in the forest (Indaw PDF)

"Once there is a war, the people are victims. Civilians were killed in Cambodia and so were in Yugoslavia. It is unavoidable. But people don't like that civilians are killed. But who began the war? It depends on who made war? I there is no war, it is better. There has been war in our country for over 70 years. if we are able to implement the Panglong Agreement, then the war will stop.After implementng the Panglong Agreement, if we can build a true federal union, we will be peaceful" he said.

Due to the political landscape that has changed after 1st February, 2021, At least, 8,640 civilians were killed within two years. 748 civilians were killed within first five months of 2023 due to armed conflicts, according to ISP Myanmar.