CNI News

15 June 2023

In relation to why India is getting more involved in the Myanmar issue, discussions among Myanmar political community are underway.

Workshops on federalism sponsored by India were held in Yangon and Naypyidaw where SAC's National Solidarity and Peace Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) and seven NCA signatories met Indian federal experts and Indian ambassador on 6th and 8th June.  

Sr.Gen Min Aung Hlaing and Indian Ambassador

It appeared after the peace talk in Myla, eastern Shan State where Northern Alliance (AA,MNDAA,and TNLA) and NSPNC met on 1st and 2nd June.

" India is friendly to both the government and opposition elements. It seems to deal with both sides fairly" said Daw Saw Mya Yarzar Lin, chairperson of Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) to CNI.

" India is one of Myanmar's neigbouring countries and it is a country that has always worked with Myanmar for many years. It is friendly to not only the government but also opposition elements. After 1988 as well, it has dealed with both sides fairly. So, when we held the meeting, so Indian ambassador himself came to the meeting" she said.

Since State Administration Council (SAC) took power, India has had more re,lations with SAC and organizations formed by SAC and it is getting more involved in Myanmar's politics, peace and economy.  

India delivered humanitarian aids to Rakhine State where there was damage caused by Cyclone Mocha that entered  through Rakhine coastline on 14th May.

 India donates cyclone Mocha-hit people

India government is trying to restart Kaladan River Project and collaborating with Myanmar Tatmadaw for peace and stability of the border area.

Armed conflicts that are taking place in Myanmar impact on India, said U Li Paw Reh, chairman of Lisu National Developent Party to CNI.

" Armed conflicts here impact on India because refugees from Myanmar got to India. To tell you frankly, there are economically dealing paths between the countries. But some paths have not been open. They want Myanmar to get on well. So, Maybe they are trying, I think." he said.

Due to current armed conflicts that are taking place in Chin State, over 50,000 Myanmar IDPs fled to Mizoran Provence in India.

India and Myanmar share a border of about 1,000 miles. Along the border are Chin National Front (CNF), Arakan Army (AA), Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN), local PDFs,Zomi Revolutionary Army (ZRA) and (Manipur and Naga) rebels that are fighting against India government.