CNI News

14 June  2023

When tenant residents who committed terrorism are takem action against, apartments or houses rented by terrorists will be seized as evidence, which was issued by Combating Terrorism Center on 13th June 2023.

Members of so-called CRPH,NUG and NUG and related organizations are staying in rented apartments and dormitories   so as not to be easily traced according to the process of arrests, said Combating Terrorism Center.

Owners of dormitories, houses and apartments must rent only after obtaining complete documents of the tenants' personal information and they must submit guest list with these complete documents to ward administration office, said Combating Terrorism Center.

" When tenants who commit terrorism are taken action against, rented houses, apartments or dormitories will be seized as an evidence in relationn to the case and If found guilty according to the examination in court, they will be confiscated as national treasure' it said.

Although the notification has been issued, some owners kept renting ignorantly, which encourage terrorisms, it said.

while a tenant commits terrorism and is being examined, if found the apartment owner systematically did not rent and submit the tenant's personal information to the ward administration office, that person's apartment will be confiscated as national treasure and taken action against as a supporter of terrorism, combating Terrorism Center has issued.