CNI News

14 June 2023

500 battles occurred between Tatmadaw and joint army that contains EAOs and PDF in May, 2023 and there were deaths on both sides, which was reported by NUG's Ministry of Defence.

NUG has reported that the 500 battles took place in NUG's No.1 regional military command territory that contains Sagaing Region, Magway Region and Mandalay Region, and in northern Shan State.

"During May, 500 battles took place and 449 enemies were killed and 681 were wounded. 41 of its comrades were killed and 113 were wounded. Joint army captured 24 different weapons and a lot of ammunition from the enemy" NUG reorted.

Myanmar Tatmadaw

Since there was a large gap between the two sides relating to the number of deaths, there were some doubts, said U Thein Tun Oo, director of Grand Strategies Studies to CNI.

"This is a technique they usually do.It's a psywar, to say the least. A lot of people died on the enemy's side and only a few died on their side.They want to tell their supporters that their armed path is going to be successful and they want to enhearten the supporters mentally. It's hard to believe their facts if there isn't any evidence on the ground" he said.

Of the 500 battles in May, there were 150 engagements, 100 mining attacks, 156 firing attacks, 71 drone attacks by NUG and there were 23 air strikes by enemy, said in a statement by NUG's ministry of defence Although he could not confirm the number of deaths from two sides, the people don't take side with the Tatmadaw any more and don't even help the Tatmadaw with facts and information, said U Pe Than,Arakan politician to CNI.

 Myanmar Tatmadaw

"EAOs and PDFs are collaborating with NUG. The people have increased helping NUG's joint army with information. On the other hand, SAC's soldiers are quite depressed with current situation and some ran away. When the Tatmadaw has no political dignity, its forces become down-hearted. They came to know the people don't take side with them.They find it difficult in transport. Their army suffer badly mining attacks. EAOs and PDFs take next step from gurilla to capturing the Tatmadaw's camps. They suffer badly like this because they are counting on air strike only, I think” he said.  

Due to the change of political landscaping after February, 2021, battles have been taking place between the Tatmadaw and joint army that contains EAOs and PDEs in Kayin, Kareni, Chin states, Sagaing and Magway regions.There are currently over two million IDPs in Myanmar because of the battles, according to ISP Myanmar.