CNI News

13 June 2023

Myanmar migrate workers in Thailand and Malaysia where most of Myanmar citizens go to work are being strictly inspected and arrested than other migrant workers, said those who are helping with labour affairs to CNI.

Although Myanmar migrant workers were not very restricted in the past in Malaysia, the number of Myanmar has increased more and more there this year and Myanmar people are found almost everywhere. So, Myanmar migrant workers are being mainly restricted, said Hmwar Michael, helping Myanmar people in Malaysia, to CNI.  

officials supervising detainees in Thailand

"Moreover, Myanmar people who have stayed and worked for years in Malaysia have become the self-employed. They open small supermarkets. They sell various Myanmar goods on the roadside including vegetables and so on. Malaysai citizens complain about that because their businesses are adversely affacted. So, Myanmar migrant workers are restricted more than before.

According to the current situation, among those who are overstaying in Malaysia, Myanmar population has outnumbered others. Openning coffee shops or selling goods on the roadside is not valid work permit. They have work permits. But their permits relate to factory or construction. So they are not allowed to open a shop selling goods or to work at a restaurent. But they are working in convenient places without knowing exactly what their permits are. That's why Myanmar people are mainly restricted" he said.

Moreover, Myanmar citizens break the rules more than other citizens do. So, a migrant worker need to know rules and regulations of a country where he is working, said the people who are helping with labour affairs.

Besides, another reason why Myanmar migrant workers are mainly restricted is because there are too many Myanmar citizens in Thailand and Malaysia. Mntost of illegal residents are Myanmar people only, they commented.

Myanmar migrate workers are restricted more than other migrant workers as well as facing that their rights are being violated than other citizens, said Ko Thar Gyi, who is helping Myanmar migrant workers,to CNI.

Many Myanmar citizens go to Thailand and Malaysia because they have heard that they can work there without having any educational qualifications. Because the two countries are very near to Myanmar, it is very easy to sneak in. But according to their immigration acts, when those who sneak in are arrested, before they are returned,they are extorted in prisons in order that they can go home as soon as possible.There have been the corruptions like that since under the civilian government. The main reason is that Myanmar embassies in relevant countries obviously don't work well, he added.

At present, Thai authorities are mainly searching and arresting illegal migrant workers and illegal residents in Maesot where most of Myanmar people are staying. In Malaysia, Myanmar citizens coming with visit visas are being mainly inspected.