CNI News

7 June 2023

If a democracy could not be built in Myanmar, a federal would never be able to be built, said U Sein Win, former Pyithu Hluttaw representative, to CNI. When ethnic elements could even build democracies, we could not build a federal at the same time, he said.

"Government and Tatmadaw are leading to a democracy federal, but ethnic people are leading to a federal democracy. They don't want to put Democracy in front because they have a thought that they cannot build a federal although they can build a democracy. As a matter of fact, democracy is a system and federal is a structure. Structure is less important than democracy. In fact, if we cannot gain a democracy, we can never gain a federal. Democracy is more important.I don't know why ethnic people have gripped a wrong concept like this for long" he said to CNI.

People demanding democracy

Currently, discussions are being held between State Administration Council and EAOs about building a federal union. In the same way, NUG has told that they will build a federal union.
The main reason why bloodshed could not be avoided in Myanmar was due to the fact that a federal union had not been able to build a federal union, said Dr.Aye Maung, chairman of Arakan Front Party (AFP) to CNI.

" You can't say like that (what U Sein Win said). If you don't want Myanmar to shed blood, you must form the country into a federal. After the country has become a federal union, will the country be ruled with democracy or another sysytem? It is up to the people.If you carried out an analysis of the current situation, you would find out the reason why there is bloodshed in Myanmar is not because of democracy, but because of federal.Democrcy is comimg with federal. Because they don't want to give the states the rights to federalism, they put forward democaracy. Even after democracy is won,it's not sure that you win federal" he said.

an ethnic armed group

Transition to democracy and federal must be carried out at the same time, said Colonel Khun Okka, an ethnic leader to CNI.

At present, debates and discussions about how to build the country and what ruling system shall be used _ federal democracy union or democracy and federal-based union are being conducted in Myanmar.

Some of ethnic elements have presented to form a Bamar State. On the other hand, Tailai (Shan Ni), Paoh, Ta,ang and Wa are demanding to form new states for them
Myanmar currently is formed with seven regions, seven states, five autonomous regions, one autonomous division and a Pyidaungsu Teritory.