CNI News

22 Mar 2023

The government of Thailand has been planning to employ more migrant workers from Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam, labour activists, who have been offering assistance to Myanmar workers, told the CNI.

The labour ministry of Thailand discussed the matter at a meeting on 20 March but has not announced the detailed recruitment program, Ko Thar Gyi, who has been helping Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand told the CNI.

A restaurant in Thailand.

He told the CNI, "It is likely that they would recruit MoU workers from countries that have signed MoU with it, including Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. We haven't known the details or whether they will continue the former policies, which hurt the rights of workers. The process is too expensive. So, I think they will issue pink cards to illegal workers."

At present, labour demand is very high in many sectors including the manufacturing and construction sectors, according to labour activists in Thailand.

It is beneficial for Myanmar illegal migrants if Thai authorities choose to issue pink cards or temporary work permits.

If Thai authorities choose to issue pink cards to illegal migrants, it is beneficial for Myanmar migrants, Labour Activist U Min Oo of the Foundation for Education and Development told the CNI.

 Myanmar MOU workers in Thailand.

He said, "Even if authorities issue stay permits, illegal migrants will be able to stay in Thailand. It is a blessing in disguise because it is impossible for undocumented migrants to stay in Thailand. It is even difficult for legal workers to renew their documents and it costs them a lot of money because they have rely on agents and agencies as documents are written in Thai language. Their rules and regulations are too complicated for Myanmar migrants.

Labour activists in Thailand have assumed that authorities will not recruit MoU workers.

Thai authorities will try to earn revenues by issuing pink cards to illegal migrant, Ko Thar Gyi told the CNI.

He said, " In most cases, they issue pink cards to illegal migrants because the earn much more revenue in doing so, especially from agencies, companies and employers. The migrant have to apply for pink cards through them. They will give 15 days to apply for pink cards. It is the best way for them to earn revenues. I am almost sure they will do this."

Thai authorities issued pink cards for about 700,000 illegal migrants in 2022.