CNI News

21 Mar 2023

Myanmar migrant workers who will have to renew their passports at the Myanmar embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia are getting into trouble and are not likely to get their documents renewed in time as the embassy has been issuing appointments that extend until 2024, Myanmar nationals in Malaysia told the CNI.

Issuing appointments for passport renewals that extend until 2024 in March, 2023 does not make sense, they told the CNI.

Hmwar Michael, who has been living in Malaysia, told the CNI, "It is impossible for us to force the embassy to issue earlier appointments but migrant workers will get into trouble. At a time when the Malaysian government is issuing the RTK work permits, the embassy is delaying the passport renewal process. Even when the host country has permitted us to stay and work in Malaysia by applying work permits, the embassy cannot renew our passports in time. It is very bad. Myanmar migrant worker will get into big trouble. Many Myanmar migrant workers are coming to Malaysia illegally. Work permits of some migrant workers expire in March, April and May. They haven't had their passports renewed."

People queuing for passport renewals.

Failure of machine to issue passports and shortages of passport booklets have led to the delays, according to Myanmar nationals in Malaysia.

At present, not only passport renewers but also new passport applicants have to wait more than seven or eight months to get passports.

Although the CNI contacted the Myanmar embassy in Malaysia, it did not answer the phone.

U Soe, who has been living in Malaysia, told the CNI, "Most of them have work permits, which are required to be extended at leat one or two months ahead of their expiries. Now, the embassy is issuing appoints that go far beyond the expiries of work permits. Migrant workers will get into trouble. Every migrant worker need a passport because factories employ those who have passports. Even new applicants have to wait seven or eight months to get passports.

Employers want to help renew the work permits of their employees but Myanmar migrant workers do not have valid passports. The other day, a list of new passport applicants was announced. However, they will not get passports at once. They will have to wait again. Employers want to apply for worker permits. However, the embassy cannot issue or renew their passports in time because of the shortage of documents.

The Myanmar embassy in Malaysia.

Myanmar nationals in Malaysia are calling for the embassy to renew or issue passports in time for application for the RTK work permits.

The RTK permits can be applied for 31st December, 2023 with passports and recommendations of employers.

As the embassy is issuing passport renewal appointment that extend until 2024, Myanmar migrant workers are likely to be arrested when Malaysian authorities launch operations against illegal migrants, Myanmar nationals in Malaysia told the CNI.

People queuing for passport renewals.

Hmwar Michael said, "Employers and agents are trying to overcome the problem in one way or another but we don't know exactly. They are trying to get certain documents like special passes. It incurs them more costs. We want the Myanmar authorities to issue or renew the passports of migrant workers in a timely manner so that they can get work and stay permits as soon as possible at reasonable costs. It is convenient for them if passport processes run regularly. I just want to call for it."

At present, it costs a work permit holder Ringgit 250 to renew their passport and for a migrant who does not have a work permit 580 Ringgit to do so.

It costs new applicants for passports Ringgit 280.