CNI News

16 Mar 2023

Myanmar nationals in China have been forced to pay more than Yuan 2,000 (over MMK 800,000) per person to agents to return home illegally, charities in Muse told the CNI.

As Myanmar nationals working in China have been stranded there for almost three years due to the outbreak of COVID-19, authorities from the two countries have been taking measures to allow them to return home.

However, it takes more than one week or two weeks to return home through the process of the authorities, they are paying agent fees to return home illegally, Chairman U Htay of the Letkanku (Giving a Hand) Charity told the CNI.

U Htay told the CNI, "In some border areas, there are three to five layers of fences. However, in some places, they can pass the border from the water way and there are villages that lie on the borderline. A part of the villages is in the Myanmar territory and another part of them in the Chinese territory. In such villages, there are illegal routes made for various reasons. They are returning home through different ways and means. Some of them were arrested by Chinese police on illegal routes. Such people are jailed and put on the blacklist. They will be banned from working in China for five years.

Scrutinizing Myanmar nationals who wanted to return home

Myanmar nationals in China who want to return home can contact the Myanmar Consulates in China and the Myanmar Embassy in Beijing while they can also submit application forms to the Assistance Association Myanmar Nationals in Ruili.

As they have been stranded in China during the lockdown, documents of some of them have expired and Chinese authorities jailed them for one year and fined each of them Yuan 1,000 or 500.

As the penalties are too severe, Myanmar authorities requested their counterparts not to take such action against Myanmar nationals. As a result, Chinese authorities have stopped sentencing Myanmar workers. However, they are still fined Yuan 150 and have to pay document fees of Yuan 150, totalling Yuan 250.

A few days ago, some Myanmar nationals who tried to return home illegally were cheated out of their money by their agents. Those who are married to Chinese nationals are required to submit the permission of their spouses.

Scrutinizing Myanmar nationals who wanted to return home

As they have been stranded in China for three years, they should wait for a certain period of time patiently to return home legally, Chairman U Pho Htaung of Hnalone Hla (Beautiful Heart) Charity (Muse) told the CNI. He urged them not to return home illegally.

He told the CNI, "If they are arrested by authorities, we cannot help them. Whether a Myanmar national illegally enters China or returns home, they take severe action against them. Authorities first gather enough returnees to be repatriated to make the process easier. They are not delaying the process deliberately. One or two week is a very short period of time. We don't want to encourage them to return home illegally. If there is a problem, they will suffer huge losses."

At present, authorities are receiving Myanmar nationals who want to return home on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and Chinese authorities are sending about 100 Myanmar nationals everyday.