CNI News

14 Mar 2023

As armed conflicts have erupted in Myanmar for more than 70 years and there are multiple ethnic armed organizations in the country, how to resolve the Myanmar political crisis has raised a question.
Due to political changes after 1s February, 2021, armed conflicts that have been raging in ethnic areas have spread to central Myanmar.

People inside Myanmar will have to resolve their own conflicts by themselves and it is necessary to take the Panglong commitments as a baseline to resolve the conflicts, Chairman Dr Aye Maung of the Arakan Front Party told the CNI.

Members of the NUG and the PDF

He told the CNI, "As Myanmar is a multi- ethnic and religious country with various armed organizations calling for ethnic equality, it is very difficult to reach an agreement. The current ASEAN chair Indonesia may explain how the Indonesian army cooperated for creation of a democratic environment and its tactics and political and military concepts to withdraw from its role. In other words, the Indonesian model can give advice to the military. However, it is incumbent on people inside Myanmar to resolve the crisis of the multi- ethnic and religious country which has been engulfed by armed conflicts for more than 70 years. And it is necessary to take Panglong commitments as a baseline. I am referring not to the agreement but to commitments or Panglong concepts that led to the agreement.

Some organizations inside Myanmar, international organizations and the ASEAN are trying out ways and means to resolve the crisis.

Only after toppling the military, can the issues among the anti-junta forces be tackled by themselves, Political Observer U Than Soe Naing told the CNI.

Members of the KNDF

He said, "We will have to overthrow the junta and we will have to address issues among us by ourselves.

At present, fighting has broken out between the Myanmar military and the allied forces of some EAOs and the PDF forces in Kayin State, Kayah(Karenni) State, Sagaing Region and Magway Region.

Due to armed conflicts, the country has faced political, peace, economic, health and social crises.

Then, there have been assassinations under various accusations and the rule of law has been undermined.