CNI News

7 Mar 2023

The expelling of Central Executive Committee Member U Phyo Min Thein and Central Committee Members Daw Sandar Min, U Toe Lwin and U Win Myint Aung of the National League for Democracy by exile Central Working Committee has fuelled debates on the future of the party.

CC U Toe Lwin, one of those who were expelled, said on 3 March on his Facebook page that the NLD CWC led by U Aung Kyi Nyunt had no legitimate right to expel them.

There are accusations and counter accusations between the two sides and it is necessary to wait and see whether the pary will re-register or not, Myanmar political observer U Ye Tun told the CNI.

The statement issued by the CWC led by U Aung Kyi Nyunt.

U Ye Tun said, "Under the new political parties registration law, parties which fail to re-register will have to hand over their party to the state. As the property owned by the NLD will be confiscated, the party will have to think about whether they will leave their huge possession in the hands of the state. Another factor is that some party members may think that the party should re-register their party as it has a huge potential to win elections whether they are held under the first-past-the-post system or the proportional representation system. Some of them think only armed struggle is the viable way. Therefore, there are armed conflicts. Now, disputes have started between the two factions and they will intensify during the last days for re-registration. It is just the beginning of their disputes. They have differing views on the issue. Some argued that they boycotted the election in 2010 and had to run for by-elections later under the 2008 constitution. They are trying to re-register the NLD. We will see more clearly later."

After the new political parties registration law and rules have been enacted, some political parties have re-registered.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

The NLD is likely to be dissolved under the new law but it will continue to exist as long as it enjoys public support, Political Observer U Than Soe Naing told the CNI.

He said, "The CEC of the NLD is still in existence. The NLD is likely to be dissolved by the SAC under their new law. However, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has already said that it is a people's party and it will continue to exist as long as it enjoys public support. I think that the party will stand together with the people as a semi-UG force outside the law of the SAC.

Since the coup on 1st February, 2021 by the Myanmar military, protests and armed conflicts have erupted in the country.

Some NLD members have joined the revolutionary forces to topple the military while others have still adopted the non-violence means.