CNI News

5 Mar 2023

It is expected that more than 300 candidates from the Shan and Nationalities Democratic Party will win the upcoming elections, Chairman Sai Aik Paung of the SNDP told the CNI.

Sai Aik Paung founded the Shan Nationalities Democratic Party and took part in previous elections but he registered his party as the Shan and Nationalities Democratic Party after the new political parties registration law was enacted.

The new political party will run for election in the entire country.

He said, "We will not field Shan candidates in other states or regions. We will choose candidates from local ethnic groups. There are 45 townships in Yangon Region, 26 townships in Ayeyarwady Region, 28 townships in Bago Region, 28 townships in Mandalay Region, eight townships in Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory, 25 townships in Magway Region and 43 townships in Shan States. If we field 600 candidates, it is expected that more than half or over 300 of them will win elections."

Under section 25 of the new law, the parties existing under the Political Parties Registration Law (The State Peace and Development Council Law No 2/2010) which are desirous to continue as political parties under this Law shall apply to the Commission within 60 days from the date of promulgation of this Law. If no such application is made, the fact of being a political party shall be deemed to have been automatically invalidated, according  to the SAC.

A ballot paper. (AFP)

So far, a total of 14 political parties have reregistered with the Union Election Commission.

The SAC may extend the state of emergency for another six months and elections are likely to be held in November or December, Sai Aik Paung added.

He told the CNI, "It is their job to restore stability and the rule of law in the country. As I just said, the current extension of the state of emergency ends in July. By then, they may extend the state of emergency for another six months. So, elections are likely to be held in November or December. In January, the new parliament will be convened and the new government will be formed in February. In March, state and regional governments will be formed and the SAC can hand over power on 1 April."

The SAC chairman said a new general election would be held in 2023 and power would be transferred to the winning party.