CNI News

28 Feb 2023

Lakes in some wards in Dala, which faces water shortages in summer every year, in Yangon Region, have dried up, according to local residents, who have to rely on the lakes for water supply.

As water is still available in only one-third of the lakes and no donors have popped up, local residents are being forced to buy drinking water, Local Resident Ko Thar Gyi told the CNI.

He said, "Some have already dried up and others are about to run dry. Two-thirds of the lakes have already dried up. Some wards have already faced shortages of drinking water and difficulties. They are being forced to buy drinking water. When donors come, they will not be forced to buy it. Some residents who cannot afford to buy drinking water have to fetch it from lakes where water is still available. Donors come to us to donate water every year, but they have not come yet this year."

A pipeline is being installed in Dala.

As six wards in the town have faced water shortages, residents have reported the issue to the township administrator and the development affairs committee, according to local residents.

Even when donors come, residents do not have facilities to store water.

Well-wishers usually come to donate water for a week but residents have facilities to store water for only three days.

As lakes in some wards have begun to dry up, authorities have to limit time for fetching water from lakes, Administrator U Aye Win of Yarzathingyan Ward told the CNI.

Dala Township faces water shortages.

He said, "Donors have not popped up yet because there is water in some lakes. I think they will come to us in March. We are trying to save water by limiting water-fetching time. We allow residents to fetch water for one hour in the morning from 7 to 8 am and another one hour in the afternoon from 4 to 5 pm. It is more difficult to get drinking water. As our ward has fewer lakes than others, residents have to fetch water at lakes in other wards. We face shortages of drinking water every year."

Residents have dug tube wells to solve the problem but water from tube well in the township is salty and has rusty colour. Therefore, the water is not suitable for cooking and drinking and has to be used for cleaning alone, according to residents.

At present, water from Twantay has been supplied to Dala through pipes by the development affairs committee but the water is not suitable for drinking and the poor cannot afford it.