CNI News

24 Feb 2023

Peace talks have lacked progress in the current political climate, Spokesperson Col Saw Kyaw Nyunt of the Peace Process Steering Team told the CNI.

He added that there were issues and challenges to create an environment conducive to inclusive dialogue.

He said, "We have been making efforts to create an environment conducive to inclusive dialogue of all stakeholders including federal forces and democratic forces that can represent the people to build a federal union based on democracy. However, no progressive has been achieved so far."

Members of the NSPNC and the PPST.

He continued to say that each EAO engaged in talks with the State Administration Council and efforts were being exerted to hold talks with all stakeholders simultaneously to end armed conflicts.

Since the military took over power on 1st February, 2021, protests and armed resistance have erupted and union-level peace talks have come to a halt.

The SAC has been holding separate peace talks with signatories to the NCA including the RCSS/SSA (Shan), the DKBA (Kayin), the KNU/KNLA-PC (Kayin), the PNLO (Pa-O), the ALP (Rakhine), the LDU (Lahu) and the NMSP (Mon) and non-signatories to the CNA including the UWSA (Wa), the NDAA (Mongla), the SSPP/SSA (Shan).

The NSPNC and leaders of the DKBA and the KNU/KNLA-PC.

Col Saw Kyaw Nyunt told the CNI, "Before the coup on 1st February, 2023, we held peace talks in accordance with the NCA and achieved success to a certain extent but since then, the political climate has changed and there are changes in the stakeholders. As a result, there are many more challenges in peace talks. This is the reality, as far as I know."

The PPST was formed with signatories to the NCA including the RCSS, the KNU, the PNLO, the DKBA, the KNU/KNLA-PC, the CNF, the ALP, the ABSDF, the NMSP and the LDU.