CNI News

22 Feb 2023

Kayin ethnic armed organizations have always divided historically and are still struggling to unify themselves, Chairman Mahn Aung Pyi Soe of the Kayin Democratic Party told the CNI.

Mahn Aung Pyi Soe told the CNI, "Karen people are always struggling for their unity because they are always divided historically. Now, the situation has deteriorated notoriously. They are fighting against one another. We cannot accept the situation. It is necessary for them to unify themselves as much as possible."

Fighting erupted between Brigade (4) of the Karen National Union and the Kathoolei Army in the morning of 20th February the former was able to occupy the Battalion (1) of the KTLA, according to statement released by the Myeik-Dawei Administrative Office of the KNU Brigade (4).

Dawei-Hitkhee road section.

Two members of the KTLA were killed while one soldier of the KNU Brigade (4) was injured during the fighting, according to the statement.

At a time when efforts are being made to establish a federal democracy union, divisions among the same ethnic group is worrisome, Mahn Aung Kyi Soe added.

He said, "It is very difficult to negotiate between the government and ethnic groups to build a federal democracy union, divisions among the factions of the same ethnic group is worrisome. We are sad and want to stop their divisions. I want to say just that."

KNU troops. (KNU-fb)

It was found that tensions escalated between KNU Brigade (4) and the KTLA and resolving issues among Karen EAOs through armed conflicts is completely unacceptable for the Karen public, people in Tanintharyi Region issued a statement.

Then, tensions between both sides reached climax with exchanging fires, threats and accusations and armed conflicts erupted.

The KTLA was formed by Brig-Gen Saw Ner Dah Mya, former chief of staff of the KNDO who was terminated from duties in July, 2022 and is active in areas controlled by the Brigade (4) of the KNU.

There are various factions of the Karen ethnic group including the KNU, the DKBA, the KNU/KNLA/PC, the KTLA and the BGF.