CNI News

18 Feb 2023

The Thai government has allowed Myanmar migrants whose work permits expired as of 13th February, 2023 to stay in Thailand until May.

Moreover, the migrant workers have been allowed to renew their work permits by submitting required documents until 15th May, 2023

Labour Activist U Min Oo of the Foundation for Education and Development told the CNI, "This allows Myanmar workers to get more time for renewal of their work permits. It is important that employers help their workers submit their personal information online or in person at employment offices in time. The processes for work permits, visas and personal information can be carried out until 15th May. It is good for workers. If employers or agents fail to do so, their workers will get into trouble. However, it is not perfect."

Myanmar workers applying for work permits.

After negotiations between authorities from both countries over work and stay permits of Myanmar workers, the Thai government allowed Myanmar workers to stay in Thailand until May despite the expiry of their work permits, according to a statement of the Myanmar embassy in Thailand.

It is important for Myanmar workers to give priority to renew their work permits than other documents, Director Ko Naing Aung Aung of the Arakan Workers Organization told the CNI.

Myanmar and Thai authorities hold negotiations.

He told the CNI, "After they have renewed their work permits, they can get pink cards and CIs. It doesn't matter whether they hold pink cards or CIs or are still applying for pink cards or CIs, they need to renew their work permits. However, it is not easy for Myanmar workers and they have to borrow money. They have not escaped from the vicious circle of loans."

Labour activists have pointed out that Myanmar migrant workers have welcomed the move but complained that the costs for renewals have increased significantly.

 Myanmar migrant workers.

Agents may increase their service fees as workers are required to renew their work permits by 15th may, 2023, labour activists said.

Although Thai authorities set the fees for renewal of work permits at Baht 6,000, Myanmar workers have to pay double the fees to agents.