CNI News

10 Feb 2023

Issues among Karen armed groups should be resolved through negotiation rather than resorting to military means, Chairman Mahn Aung Pyi Soe of the Karen Democratic Party told the CNI.

Tension has escalated between the Brigade (4) of the Karen National Union and the Kawthoolei Army and resolving conflicts between Karen armed groups through military means was not acceptable for the Karen people, Karen residents in Tanintharyi Region issued a statement on 7th February.

Saw Ner Dah Mya

Mahn Aung Pyi Soe told the CNI that he supported the statements that conflicts among Karen armed groups should be settled through dialogue. Fighting between Karen armed groups is worse."

He said, "I support the statement unconditionally. It is brief but correct. They should not resort to military means. There will be no end to military conflicts. They should resolve conflicts through dialogue. They have not been able to resolve conflicts with the military even after 70 years of war.

The statement urged the groups to learn lessons from the bitter experience that resorting to military means has never resulted in better outcomes and pushed the Karen people to suffer more.

They should resolve the conflict through dialogue and it should be settled through the principle of the KNU, Saw Lay Kapaw of the Karen Peace Support Network told the CNI.

He said, "If they accept the principle of the KNU, there will be fewer differences and problems. As the KNU plays an important role in leading the Karen people, they should resolve the conflicts through dialogue to get better outcomes.

KNU Brigade (4)

The KTLA was founded in July, 2022 by former commander-in-chief of the KNDO Brig-Gen Ner Dah Mya, who was suspended from the post and is active in the area controlled by the KNU Brigade (4).

Then, conflicts between the two sides have escalated with accusations and threats and fighting has broken out between.