CNI News

7 Feb 2023

The Russia-Myanmar Friendship Association and local companies have signed an MOU on implementation of Russia-Myanmar Ngapali Beach Resort Housing Complex Project in Ngapali Beach area in Thandwe Township in Rakhine State.

The two sides also signed agreements on cooperation in the tourism but local residents prefer constructing hotels and upgrading Thandwe airport to implementing the housing complex, Town Elder U Tun Thant Kyaw told the CNI.

He said, "We prefer constructing hotels to implementing the housing complex. We can't understand why they are implementing the housing complex. If we can offer visas on arrival at Thandwe Airport, we will need a lot more hotels. Tourists from Thailand want to visit Ngapali beach directly because their visits are delayed due to transit in Yangon. The airport should be upgraded. We have aircraft, natural beauties of the beach and fresh seafood. If we can offer visas on arrival at Thandwe Airport, tourists will visit Thandwe. The requirement to make transits in Yangon incurs more costs for them. Ngapali beach is peaceful and tourists do not want to make transits in Yangon."

As the runway of the airport is short, it is necessary to lengthen the runway seaward to host large aircraft and direct flights, a tourism entrepreneur told the CNI.

Scenes of Ngapali beach

As housing complexes are constructed on beach resorts in other countries, it would be beneficial if the government can construct electricity and transportation infrastructures for the housing complex, he added.

Another tourism entrepreneur said, "Not every tourist visits Ngapali beach because air ticket fares and hotel fees are high. Most locals go to Chaungtha and Ngwehsaung beaches. When the airport is expanded, we can host MICE tourism. When projects like the housing complex are completed, it will be beneficial for all whoever invest in them. Ngapali area depends not only on tourism but also on fishery and other businesses. If new projects have an impact on such businesses, it will not be beneficial for all. We need to prevent negative impacts. Ngapali has a fine tradition and is a rare beach in Southeast Asia."

Ngalapi is one of the most beautiful and intact beaches in Myanmar and was a famous destination among travelers including foreign tourists before the outbreak of COVID-19.

Implementing a resort housing project in Ngapali should not have an impact on the environment, Director U Tin Tun Aung of the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism told the CNI.

He said, "If they have technologies and resources to implement the project, they will be able to carry out it in accordance with international standards. The beach is still intact and the project should be implemented at a place which is not adjacent to the beach. Everything depends on their construction site and its environment. If they can carry out development projects, the region will enjoy progress and more tourists will visit the beach. However, the nature of the beach is serene and those who want to spend their time peacefully visit the beach. If they carry out development tasks compatible with the environment, it will be beneficial."

As only a few local and foreign travelers visit the beach, hoteliers expect more tourists will come to the beach during Thingyan holidays.