CNI News

4 Feb 2023

Some political parties are preparing to re-register within 60 days after enactment of the new political parties registration law.

The Shan Nationalities Democratic Party is re-registering within two months to take part in the general election, Chairman U Sai Aik Paung of the party told the CNI.

He said, "We will register our party within two months or 60 days and we have time to do so until the end of March."

As the new political party registration law enacted by the State Administration Council has created difficulty for their political party and they haven't decided whether to re-register their party or not, Chairman U Thar Tun Hla of the Arakan National Party told the CNI.

The flag of the SNDP (White Tiger) party.

He said, "We haven't discussed the matter yet. I will be able to confirm whether we will re-register our party or not only after we have discussed it in our party.

Section 25 of the law requires political parties to re-register with the commission within 60 days in accordance with the law and its rules and those failing to do so shall be deemed to cease to exist spontaneously, according to the SAC.

A recent meeting of the central executive committee of the Mon Unity Party was in favour of re-registration but it was still necessary to seek the approval of the central committee of the party, Spokesperson Naing Than Shwe told the CNI.

He said, "Our party is in a position to register but we still need to seek the approval of the central committee. The central executive committee is in favour of registration. After holding negotiations with the central committee, we may decide to re-register our party if we think we should do so."

Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing holds talks with political parties.

They would contest elections under any government in the interests of their nationalities and areas, Patron U Shwe Min of the Lisu National Development Party (Crossbow) party told the CNI.

He said, "Our LNDP will contest any election held under any government and any election commission because we have formed our party to contest elections. We will hold political dialogue in our national and regional interests through various ways and means. So, we will contest elections and take part in political dialogue."

The SAC chairman has promised to hold a general election in August this year and to transfer state power to the winning party.