CNI News

3 Feb 2023

As the National Defence and Security Council has extended the duration of the state of emergency declared by the State Administration Council by six months and the SAC has made reshuffles, the political circle has been debating about potential changes.

There would be no substantial changes despite the extension of the state of emergency and the situation of the country during the seizure of power by the SAC was normal. It was necessary to netotiate with relevant stakeholders to bring about changes, Chairman U Thar Tun Hla of the Arakan National Party told the CNI.

The NUG and the PDF.

He told the CNI, "They had to extend the state of emergency because nothing has changed. According to reports at the meeting of the National Defence and Security Council, the situation of the country is not normal. So, the situation of the country was normal before the coup. So, it is a negative change. They have extended the emergency because nothing has changed."

The duration of the state of emergency was extended by six months in accordance with section 425 of the constitution and the state power was transferred to the commander-in-chief of defence services in accordance with section 419 of the constitution, according to the announcement of the NDSC.

No political changes were likely to take place during the extended duration of the emergency, Chairman U Sein Win of the National United Democratic Party told the CNI.

A demonstration calling for democracy.

He said, "No political changes are likely to take place during the extended duration of emergency because the new political parties registration law creates difficulties. On the other hand, local stability is deteriorating and the opposition is likely to become stronger. As the SAC has assumed the state power for another six months, trust on it will be weaker as usual. Under such circumstances, no parties will give in to the pressure of the other and both will do as they wish."

As no changes are likely to take place during the extended six-month duration of emergency, the emergency will have to be extended again when the current duration has expired, according to observers.