CNI News

26 Jan 2023

As armed clashes and explosions frequently rock the Myawady Road, authorities are holding discussions with the Thai ambassador to send workers to Thailand under the MOU between the two countries by air, Permanent Secretary U Nyunt Win of the Ministry of Labour told the CNI.

Currently, MOU workers are sent to Thailand via the Myawady-Mae Sot road and Kawthaung-Ranong road and the former is the most common road to send workers.

 Yangon International Airport

As the Myawady-Mae Sot road, however, is frequently hit by armed clashes and explosions, authorities are discussing a plan to send the workers by air and Thai authorities have agreed to the plan in principle, U Nyunt Win told the CNI.

He said, "The main issue is that the Myawady land route is frequently in trouble. However, we are still discussing the details like the airlines to be operated, passengers for return trips, landing aircrafts at the Don Mueang airport without using the Suvarnabhumi airport. As we use Don Mueang airport, it is difficult to get passengers for the return trips and workers are likely to pay for return trips of aircraft. We will also have to discuss fares with airlines. If costs are not too high, employers are ready to accept the plan because it takes only one hour to fly from Yangon to Bangkok and workers will be able to start their work quickly. We still need to discuss immigration issues as well as fares for the two-trip.

If both sides reach agreement, MOU workers can be sent to Thailand by air anytime whether the land route is hit by armed clashes and explosions.

A gas tanker truck comes under attack on the Myawady-Mae Sot road

Therefore, measures will be taken to send workers to Thailand from the Myawady-Mae Sot road, Kawthaung-Ranong road and by air.

Although workers are sent by air for security reasons, workers will incur higher agency fees than the current rates, Labour Activist U Min Oo of the Foundation for Education and Development told the CNI.

He pointed out that workers should be sent to Thailand via Kawthaung-Ranong road, which is safer than the Myawady-Mae Sot road.

U Min Oo said, "There are limits in transporting workers by air and many other factors to be considered. For example, there are issues related to documents like work permits and others including vaccine certificates and insurance. Thailand has adopted different policies on foreigners from different countries. It is certain that agency fees will increase. Another factor is that aircraft cannot have a large number of workers aboard one flight. It is difficult to send enough workers to meet the demand by air. Authorities can send a large number of workers via the Kawthaung-Ranong road and they should choose the route. If they send workers by air, they will need a large number of flights."

An explosion in Myawady

Sending MOU workers to Thailand was suspended due to COVID-19 and the program was resumed in May 2022.

However, the Asia Highway from Myawady to Mae Sot, the major route to send workers to Thailand, is frequently hit by armed conflicts and explosions and the program is often suspended.