CNI News

25 Jan 2023

Since dates have been announced for application of work permits in Malaysia, the number of arrests against illegal migrants has decreased, according to Myanmar nationals living in Malaysia told the CNI.

Before the announcement for application of Rekalibrasi work permits (RTK), Malaysian authorities intensified the arrests of undocumented workers.

Ma Nyo, who has been living in Malaysia, said, "When authorities intensified the arrests of undocumented workers, their employers have to apply for work permits for them. Now, authorities have announced that they would issue work permits for illegal migrants the number of arrests of illegal migrants has decreased. Now, it has become difficult for workers who have overstayed their visas to find jobs because employers are liable to pay fines if they give jobs to overstaying workers. Now, if employers fail to apply for permits for their workers, their workers will be arrested and they will be fined."

A place to apply for the RTK work permits

Undocumented foreign workers including Myanmar national have been allowed to registered with authorities for application of the RTK work permits between 27th January and 31st December, according to the immigration authorities of Malaysia.

Undocumented workers from 15 countries who have passports and an employer who will give jobs to them have been allowed to apply for RTK work permits.

Although authorities have decreased the arrests of illegal migrant workers, those who are involved in commotions are subject to legal action. As a result, Myanmar national who have been living in Malaysia have urge illegal migrants to apply for work permits.

Hmwar Michael, a Malaysian resident, said, " We want those who have passports to apply for work permits. Although authorities have decreased the arrests of illegal migrants, they are required to apply for work permits because if they have all necessary documents, they are safer. Overstaying workers are subject to arrests at any time. Now, authorities have stopped detaining illegal migrants if they do not receive complaints. Only those who cause commotions or going out late at night in groups or play loud music at night are detained. I think their detention centres and camps have overcrowded with illegal migrants. There are only 11 camps here. There is no problems for those who live peacefully. It is good for illegal migrants to apply for work permits."

Malaysian authorities detaining illegal migrants

Myanmar nationals in Malaysia have urged overstaying migrants to apply for work permits.

Authorities have allowed illegal migrant workers to apply for RTK work permits for eight types of jobs and prohibited them from working in five sectors.

Illegal migrants are permitted for eight types of jobs including manufacturing, construction, mining and quarries, security guards, services, agriculture, plantation and house workers and domestic workers are permitted to work in Malaysia for the first time, according to a statement released by immigration authorities.

Five types of jobs have been prohibited for foreign workers including textile, goldsmith, barber, social welfare and recycling industries.