CNI News

22 Jan 2023

The upcoming elections should not be meant for resolution of an individual's crisis, Chairman U Thar Tun Hla of the Arakan National Party told the CNI.

He added that overcoming the current political crisis called for political dialogue.

He said, "The Myanmar crisis is a political issue and as a result, it must be resolved through political means in order to secure commitments. Then, it is necessary to roll out the plans to implement the commitments to the public. If so, the public will be interested in the political process, which will be beneficial for the entire country. Elections should not be meant for resolution of an individual's political crisis."

Checking voting papers.

He added that the current political crisis of Myanmar cannot be resolved by holding elections.

The upcoming elections would serve as a peaceful means to overcome the current political crisis, Spokesperson Naing Than Shwe of the Mon Unity Party told the CNI.

Naing Shwe Than said, "The general election will be held within six months after lifting the state of emergency. Under the 2008 constitution, the elections must be held. The elections are essential for restoring the federal democracy not only for the SAC but also for the entire country and a means to overcome the political crisis."

He added that elections are essential to the democracy system.

The SAC announced that a general election would be held in August, 2023 and power would be transferred to the winning party.