CNI News

21 Jan 2023

Some political observers in Myanmar are debating how the current crisis in Myanmar brings benefits for neighbouring countries.

Neighbouring countries are benefiting from the crisis in Myanmar, Political Observer Dr Aung Myo told the CNI.

A demonstration calling for democracy. (The Frontier Myanmar)

He said, "Neighbouring countries are getting significant benefit. For instance, Myanmar has not been able to address the refugee issue in Bangladesh, which has been enjoying benefits from the refugees. Thailand will gain benefit when the US offers financial aid to Myanmar under the NDAA because the aid will come not through China but through Thailand. China opposes the NDAA because it poses threats against China through Taiwan and Myanmar. As the aid will come through Thailand, the country will get not only US dollars but also weapons."

Armed conflicts have erupted in Myanmar and the country is in political, economic, social, health and education crises.

Due to instabilities in Myanmar, neighbouring countries have been able to sell weapons, Political Observers U Than Soe Naing told the CNI.

Snr General Min Aung Hlang and Chinese Special Envoy.

He said, "One of the benefits for neighbouring countries is that they can sell weapons to Myanmar. India, China and Russia supplying weapons and aircraft to Myanmar. Russia does not receive as much benefit as others because it is far away from Myanmar and it sells only aircraft to Myanmar. Weapons are mainly flowing into Myanmar from China, which is also involved in maritime expansion in Myanmar. However, Chinese weapons are flowing into the country through the UWSA."

Thanks to instabilities in Myanmar, neighbouring countries can sell weapons to Myanmar while they can hire Myanmar workers at cheaper wages. They are also benefiting from humanitarian aid for Myanmar refugees.

Moreover, neighbouring countries are also reaping business and investment opportunities from the Myanmar crisis.