CNI News

20 Jan 2023

Immigration authorities in Malaysia officially announced on 18th January that foreign workers including Myanmar nationals would be allowed to register with them to apply for rekalibrasi (RTK) work permits as of 27th January.

The valid period for application of the work permits will be from 27th January, 2023 to 31st December, 2023 and there are eight eligible types of jobs. Myanmar workers who have passports and recommendations from their employers should make preparations for work permit applications, Myanmar nationals in Malaysia told the CNI.

A Myanmar passport holder.

Mwar Michael, who has been living in Malaysia, told the CNI, "The registration period lasts about a year. About one or two months after registration, authorities will take the fingerprints of applicants, who are required to say the factories where they used to work previously. Those who had run away from their factories will be cancelled and will be told to return home within a certain period after paying fines. This is the rule they have adopted. The work permits will be issued for those who are found to be eligible. Work permit levy fees and insurance premiums will vary depending on types of jobs such as agriculture, construction, factory work, restaurant works. Myanmar applicants are required to have passports issued by the Myanmar embassy including passports with visit visas. Then, they need employers who recommend them and their licenses and documents. If all the required documents are submitted, authorities will issue work permits for migrants.

Five types of job have been prohibited for foreign workers including textile, goldsmith, barber, social welfare and recycling industries.

If employers apply for the RTK permits on behalf of their workers, the latter will have to pay official fees set by the government but those who apply for the permits through agents will cost much more than the official fees and may even be cheated of their money.

An official from Maharajar Travel and Tour said, "Migrants are allowed to apply for work permits under a immigration system through their employers or agencies. Then, they will be permitted to stay in Malaysia officially. So, they cannot be detained during police operasis."

immigration centre in Malaysia.

When work permits were issued last year, migrant workers whose permits were applied for by their employers on behalf of them had to pay Ringgit 5,000 (more than MMK 2.4 million) but those who had overstayed their visas were required to pay fines. However, those who applied for the permits through agents had to pay up to Ringgit 15,000 (more than MMK 7.2 million).

As authorities are rounding up illegal migrants at the moment, overstaying Myanmar nationals in Malaysia should apply for the work permits, according to Maynmar nationals in Malaysia.

The RTK program aims to issue official work permits for illegal migrants and the permits are required to be renewed once a year.