CNI News

19 Jan 2023

Chinese officials told him that they are willing to offer assistance for the peace process in Myanmar, Chairman Dr Aye Maung of the Arakan Front Party told the CNI.

China is also interested in the second round of ceasefire between the United League of Arakan and the Myanmar military, he added.

Dr Aye Maung told the CNI, "China is keenly interested in Myanmar politics, especially in the second round of ceasefire between the ULA/AA and the military. Based on their expressions and words, I think they want to offer the peace process between the ULA/AA and the military and the Northern Alliance and the military.

Commander-in-Chief Maj-Gen Tun Myat Naing of the AA.

The first round of ceasefire between the AA and the Tatmadaw collapsed in August and armed conflicts resumed.

Then, both sides reached a new ceasefire deal on 26th November to alleviate the suffering of local residents in Rakhine State.

China really wants to see peace prevail in Myanmar because it is in their interests, Political Observer Dr Aung Myo told the CNI.

He said, "Everything depends on interests. Restoring peace in Myanmar is beneficial for China. So, China really wants to offer assistance for the peace process in Myanmar. However, China is pragmatic in their historical tradition. They give priority to pragmatic approaches rather than to policies. As a result, China gives priority to their interests like the pipeline and trade in the political crisis in Myanmar. So, they offer assistance for such areas. However, China will not abandon ethnic armed organizations and will use them as required."

Three members of the Northern Alliance hold talks with the NSPNC.

China invested in 479-mile long oil and gas pipelines connecting the Kyaukphyu Deepsea Port in Rakhine State and Kunming in Yunnan Province in China and border trade between the two countries accounts for millions of dollars every year.
Currently, Myanmar has been engulfed in armed conflicts and hit by political, economic, social, health and education crises.

China and Myanmar share a more than 1,300-mile long border, where many ethnic armed organizations including the Kachin Independence Army, the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army, the Shan State Progressive Party/Shan State Army, the United Wa State Party, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, the National Democratic Alliance Army and the Palaung State Liberation Front/Ta'ang National Liberation Arme.