CNI News

14 Jan 2023

The Malaysian government is planning to issue stay and work permits to foreign workers including those in Myanmar, according to Maynmar nationals in Malaysia.

However, it is not clear whether the government will issue the permits to undocumented migrants who are in Malaysia.

Anyone who has a passport and an employer can apply stay and work permits, U Babu Gyi, who has been helping Myanmar nationals in Malaysia, told the CNI.

Myanmar workers in Malaysia waiting to show their documents.

He said, "The government has eased a lot of restrictions. However, it is not still clear whether the government will allow illegal migrants and those who have been reported for violations. The priority will be given to those who hold visit visas and officially come to Malaysia. Last year, the government issued work and stay permits to foreign workers, foreigners who had overstayed their visas and workers whose work permits expired. However, they did not issue work permits to foreign workers who did not work in permitted factories and moved to other jobs. When their employers reported such cases to authorities, the government blacklisted them and did not issue work permits to them. Moreover, migrants who sneaked into Malaysia and managed to get passports were not permitted to apply for the permits. This is because the immigration did not have their fingerprints when they entered Malaysia.
Permit applicants are required to submit the identity of their employers and the permits can be easily issued if employers applied them on behalf of their workers. Employers who are too busy to do so can also apply for permits through agents.

However, some workers who applied for the permits through agents last year still haven't received their permits, according to Myanmar nationals in Malaysia.

Currently, permit applications can be submitted but it is not still clear when the permits will be issued and illegal migrants should apply for the permits as authorities have rounded them up, Ma Nyo, a resident in Malaysia, told the CNI.

Detained migrant workers.

She said, "Issuing permits for foreign workers bodes well for Myanmar nationals here. Everyone has been looking forward to it. All of them have passports and they are very happy. If stay and work permits are issued for them, employers will offer jobs for them. Myanamr nationals here are looking forward to it. Authorities have been rounding up illegal workers. If migrant workers have work permits, they will not be arrested. Overstaying migrant workers have to live in fear of arrests day or night."

Those who have received stay and work permits can stay or work at complete freedom without worrying about arrests.

Those who have overstayed their visas will have to pay fines as well as fees for new work and stay permits but it is not still clear how much it will cost to apply for the permits.

As the exact date for issuance of the permits has not been announced, migrant workers should be cautious about fraudsters and all Myanmar nationals in Malaysia who have passports should apply for the permits, said Myanmar nationals in Malaysia.