CNI News

13 Jan 2023

The National Unity Government has called on neighbouring countries to sanction the Myanmar military, which violates their air space to launch attacks on Myanmar people, in a statement issued on 12th January.

The NUG issued the statement to condemn the airstrikes against the headquarters of the Chin National Front by the military.

The NUG said that neighbouring countries are urged to take effective action against the SAC, which not only violates the air space of neighbouring countries to kill Myanmar people but also threatens the lives and properties of the people in neighbouring countries.

Vice Chairman of the CNF and NUG Federal Union Affairs Minister Dr Lian Hmung Sakhong and CNF troops at the Indo-Myanmar border.

The statement added that the SAC blatantly violates the resolution of the UNSC to end violence immediately and ignores the efforts of the international community to resolve the Myanmar crisis.
High-speed fighter jets are likely to violate the air space of other countries but they are minor issues that can be resolved through diplomatic channels, Director U Thein Tun Oo of the Strategic Studies told the CNI.
He said, "Let's discuss the issue with India later. Once, our fighter jets violated Thai air space. There were so many political negotiations between the two countries. People were making comments on social media but the issue could be resolved without any problems. Myanmar has extremely good relations with neighbouring countries. When airstrikes are launched against EAOs bases at borders, high-speed fighter jets are likely to violate the airspace of other countries. There will be no problems if the SAC discusses the issue politically with neighbours. We haven't heard anything about the issue with India."

Resistance forces in Myanmar have never had good neighbours, Political Observer U Than Soe Naing told the CNI.

Airstrikes against the CNF headquarters by the junta.

He said, " It is very simple. We have never had good neighbours and resistance forces are currently bearing the brunt of bad neighbours. Like China and Russia, Thailand and India do not have a good neighbourly attitude toward Myanmar. It is these countries that are defending themselves from foreign interference. These countries do not acknowledge the issues of the Spring Revolution, especially refugee issues. India does not acknowledge the refugee issue of Myanmar and offer assistance to refugees from Myanmar. Local state leaders are providing accommodations for them. Similarly, Thailand has never provided effective assistance to refugees."

The negligence of the issues of the Spring Revolution by neighbouring countries amounts to supporting the military junta indirectly, he added.

The junta launched airstrikes against the Victoria headquarters of the CNF at the Indo-Myanmar border in Thantlang Township on 10th and 11th January, killing five personnel of the CNF and injuring many others.