CNI News

10 Jan 2023

The onion demand for exports to China and Thailand has grown recently, according to onion merchants.

The demand has grown due to reopening of border gates in Muse and the Myawaddy-Kawkareik road, which is a major route to trade with Thailand, Onion Merchant U Hla Thaung from the Pakokku Merchants and Brokers Association told the CNI.

Workers putting onions into bags.

He said, "Onion exports to China are likely to resume and border trade with Thailand will reopen soon. So, some merchants are storing onions for border trade. I think merchants are buying onions for border trade with China."

As the demand for onions has grown, onion prices are likely to stay at the current level, according to onion merchants.

Due to export demands, onion prices are likely to stay at MMK 2,000 per viss, according to an onion merchant.

An onion brokerage house.

He told the CNI, "Onion prices are likely to stand at about MMK 2,000 per viss. Some merchants offered MMK 2,100 per viss at my brokerage firm today."

Onion yields dropped this year because transportation of fertilizers was banned during the cultivation season.

As transportation of fertilizers has been permitted during the current cultivation season and total acreage of onions is likely to expand, according to onion merchants.

However, fertilizer prices have risen by MMK 30,000 per bag to MMK 180,000 per bag, according to onion farmers in Pakokku Township.