CNI News

10 Jan 2023

As fighting in Myanmar has become more intense, the year 2023 may culminate in a decisive year, Political Observer Dr Hla Kyaw Zaw told the CNI.

At the same time, the Myanmar military is likely to escalate its offensives before the rainy season and the public will face more troubles, she added.

She said, "Armed conflicts have erupted across the country. The KNU and allies raided battalion headquarters in Kyarinseikkyi. Protests broke out in Hpakant yesterday. The KIA will launch offensives. The military is fighting with Ta'ang and Kokant and has been very busy fighting EAOs. And the fighting capabilities of the military are desperate. They do not have competent commanders as they made peace deals with EAOs for 20 years. The military is deteriorating and suffered casualties significantly. The military will intensify its offensives. If they cannot fight on the ground, they will use airstrikes. The public will suffer more troubles. However, the junta will suffer losses dramatically. This year may lead to a decisive year even if it is not a decisive year."

 An armed force of the Spring Revolution.

The National Unity Government said at the press conference on review and future tasks of people's resistance on 7th October that the year 2023 is the decisive year for the victory of the Spring Revolution."

The year 2023 is unlikely to be a decisive year militarily, Director U Thein Tun Oo of the Strategic Studies told the CNI.

He said, "There are two factors. From the military point of view, it is completely impossible. They are trying to keep up their morale. From 2021 to the beginning of 2023, they have risen up against the military for about one and a half years unsuccessfully. They have chosen violent means. What is worse is that they are choosing terrorist acts. Armed struggle cannot be decisive. On the other hand, they can disrupt elections and claim victory politically. They cannot win militarily. They will disrupt elections and claim victory. They cannot defeat the junta militarily."

NUG Defence Minister U Yee Mon and PDFs.

The junta ousted the National League for Democracy government on 1st February, 2021 after accusing it of forming a new government without settling voters' list disputes and protests and armed conflicts have erupted in the country.

Currently, the junta troops and the allies of EAOs and PDFs are fighting in Karen State, Kayah (Karenni) State, Chin State, Sagaing Region and Magway Region.