CNI News

8 Jan 2023

As long queues of YBS buses, taxis and other vehicles that run on CNG are common in Yangon, CNG stations have extended operation hours at night to reduce waiting queue time, according to the Natural Gas Vehicle Department of Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise.

Previously, gas stations were open from 5 am to 9 pm but the closing time has been extended until 10 pm recently, an official from the MOGE told the CNI.

He said, "Normally, gas stations are open from 5 am to 9 pm but we have extended the opening hours until 10 pm because there are long queues of vehicles at the stations."

However, there are still long queues at some gas stations, according to YBS bus drivers.

 A line of cars waiting for gas.

An anonymous bus driver said that gas stations are required to take action against vehicles that jump the queue and vehicles that sell their place in the queue to others.

He told the CNI, "There are still long queues at gas stations and there are two lines of vehicles at the gas statons near the park and the rubbish heap. As they have extended another one hour, they can fill gas to five or six more vehicles. Another factor is that some people have allowed queue-jumping by their friends while other are making money by selling their places in the queue to others. As a result, we have to wait for a long time but our vehicles have never moved forward. Some vehicles jump queue by paying MMK 5,000 or 10,000. Disputes erupt frequently due to such problems. Gas stations are required to monitor such problems."

Moreover, it is important to supply quality gas with full pressure so that vehicles can use it as long as possible and to shorten the long queues at gas stations, drivers said.

 Vehicles refilling gas at a CNG station.

Currently, low gas pressures have forced drivers to queue for gas twice a day, leading to long lines of vehicles at gas stations.

In connection with the low quality and pressure of gas, an official from the MOGE said, "We normally supply inland gas, which is different from off-shore gas. When inland gas is mixed with offshore one, gas consumption rate of a vehicle has changed. Gas qualities are different even between off-shore gases from Lawpita and Yadana gas fields. However, we have been distributing inland gas recently, so drivers will be satisfied with the quality of gas."

Among 41 gas stations in Yangon, 40 stations have been opened and more than 18 million cubic feet of gas is distributed to the public daily.