CNI News

6 Jan 2023

The Arakan Liberation Party/Arakan Liberation Army issued a statement on 5th January, strongly condemning the assissination of its Commander-in-Chief Maj-Gen Khaing Soe Mya, Commander of No (101) Battalion Lt-Col Khaing Kyaw Soe and Capt Khaing Thurainda by the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army.

The three were shot to death with several bullet wounds while travelling in a car in Sittwe at about 8 am on 4th January, 2023 when they were assassinated by the ULA/AA, according to the statement of the ALP.

The ALP said in its statement, "As the inhuman assassination of Maj-Gen Khaing Soe Mya and two other commanders by the ULA/AA amounted to terrorist act committed against ethnic Rakhine people by ethnic Rakhine people that not only undermines the unity of the entire Rakhine people but also shocks the public, we have strongly condemned the assassination."

The ALP statement said, "The ULA/AA has been detaining, torturing and assassinating not only our party/army leaders, party members and personnel but also leaders and members of other Rakhine ethnic parties, innocent monks and the public unlawfully, the ALP will bring those who are responsible to justice."

The AA has not responded to the accusation and its information centre did not answer the phone.