CNI News

3 Jan 2023

Three Brotherhood Alliance made up of the Arakan Army, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army and the Ta'ang National Liberation Army announced on 1st January that they would cooperate with certain popular revolutionary organizations amony the forces that emerged during the Spring Revolution.

They said they have sympathized with displaced persons due to domestic military and political instabilities caused after the Myanmar military ousted the civilian government, according to their statement.

The statement said, "Our three brotherhood Alliance will cooperate with certain popular and revolutionary organizations among the forces that emerged during the Spring Revolution to continue to take appropriate measures to achieve the common goal aspired by us and the entire people of Myanmar, to overcome the current crisis and to eliminate the military dictatorship."

Troops of the BPLA. (BPLA-fb)

However, the statement did not elaborate on which popular and revolutionary organizations it was referring to. During the Spring Revolution, various organizations have emerged including the National Unity Consultative Council, the National Unity Government, the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the People's Defence Force, Local Defence Forces, the Karenni National Defence Force and the Bamar People's Liberation Army.

The Three Brotherhood Alliance has been fighting against the military relentlessly and their decision to join hands with revolutionary forces should be welcomed, Rakhine Politician U Pe Than told the CNI.

He said, "Their decision to join hands with revolutionary forces should be welcomed. We will have to wait and see how they choose revolutionary forces and what they will do. They will achieve success to a certain extent because the assistance offered by the US is linked to all anti-junta forces. I think they wanted to consolidate their strength."

The term revolutionary forces must be defined on their own standards but he welcomed the decisions to join hands with certain Spring Revolutionary forces, Political Observer U Than Soe Naing told the CNI.

Troops of the TNLA.

He said, "I don't know how they will decide if an organization is revolutionary or not because they will do so on their own standards and ways and means. However, they are not under the direct leadership of Spring Revolution leaders like the NUG and the CRPH. It is difficult to say exactly which organizations they will cooperate with. We will have to wait and see. Nevertheless, they have recognized the Spring Revolution and decided to cooperate with it as necessary. So, we must welcome the move."

After the Myanmar military seized power on 1st February, 2021, peaceful protests and armed struggle have erupted in the country.