CNI News

29 Dec 2022

As Malaysian ringgits have depreciated due to inflation, Myanmar migrants working there should not change jobs at present, Myanmar communities in Malaysia told the CNI.

As Malaysia is likely to face labour shortages if the new government fails to tackle the depreciation problem, Myanmar workers have been advised not to change jobs, U Babu Gyi, who has been helping Myanmar workers in Malaysia, told the CNI.

He told CNI, "When the new prime minister took office, the ringgit appreciated against US$ slightly. However, after he formed the new government, the currency has depreciated significantly. There may be speculation because some people do not like some cabinet members. It this continues, it does not bode well in the long run. So, Myanmar workers who came to Malaysia officially based on their skills should stay at their factories. Illegal workers change jobs frequently if they get higher salaries and they are sometimes jobless. So, they should not change jobs at the moment because no one knows what will happen. In addition, authorities are making arrests of illegal migrants. They should work in their jobs by spending less money at the moment."

 Myanmar workers in a saw mill in Malaysia.

If the ringgit continues to depreciate in the long terms, some businesses are likely to halt their operations and to sack their current workers to hire cheaper new workers, according to Myanmar communities in Malaysia.

Currently, the new Malaysian government has failed to implement their campaign promises as it took office only one month ago, they added.

Secretary General U Chit Kaung of the Assistance Association for Myanmar Workers told the CNI that it was necessary to closely watch the new government as it has taken office for only one month.

He said, "It is a period when a new government has just taken office. It will have to take at least 6 months or one year to adopt new policies. However, as number two of the new government was a former home minister and many others are experienced politicians, they will be able to maintain stability. Myanmar workers should work hard at their jobs. In Malaysia, policies change when the new government takes office. After the operations to arrest illegal migrants, governments tend to hire new workers from other countries or issue stay and work permits to illegal migrants to work in Malaysia."

Myanmar workers at a construction site in Malaysia.

When the ringgit has depreciated, commodity prices tend to rise but prices in Malaysia have not increased under the new government.

Myanmar communities in Malaysia have urged Myanmar workers not to change jobs and save their salaries.

They also urged illegal migrants to be cautious when they go out as the government is launching operations.