CNI News

27 Dec 2022

There are fewer jobs available for migrant workers as authorities are rounding up illegal migrants recently, Thai-based labour activists for Myanmar workers told the CNI.

As authorities are making arrests of illegal migrant workers, their employers are trying to get official residence permits for them through agents and there are fewer jobs for newly arrived workers including Myanmar migrants, Consultant U Aung Kyaw of the Migrant Workers Rights Network told the CNI.

He said, it is difficult to get jobs for migrant workers because they can get jobs if they have official residence and work permits according to the law. If employers are found to be hiring illegal migrants on surprise checks, they can be fined or sentenced to prison terms. So, illegal migrants can get jobs when authorities issue official residence and work permits for them. The government issued such documents recently and illegal workers who received them are getting jobs now."

A fishery worksite in Thailand.

As most Myanmar illegal workers had to borrow money from other at high interest rates to work in Thailand, they are unable to repay their debts as they do not get jobs while they fear they might be arrested by authorities.

The government issued official residence and work permits in August and only a few Myanmar migrant workers who arrived in Thailand later than August got jobs.

Ko Thar Gyi, who has been helping Myanmar migrant workers, told the CNI, "It is difficult to find jobs for those who arrived in Thailand after the interviews for residence and work permits. It is more difficult for those who arrived in Thailand about a week or ten days ago because there are fewer jobs. Migrants who have been here for three or four months got the permits through agents. It is impossible for late comers to get jobs. Authorities have been making arrests of illegal migrants since the beginning of December."

A fishery process worksite in Thailand.

As some Myanmar workers who came to Thailand under the MOU between the two governments have failed to get jobs in Thailand, they staged a protest in front of the Myanmar Embassy in Thailand recently.
Therefore, labour activists have urged Myanmar workers to come to Thailand officially through official agencies rather than sneaking into the country by paying a large sum of money.

Authorities are making arrests not only of undocumented migrant workers but also foreigners who have overstayed their visas. Those who are detained are put on a blacklist for two to five years.

However, when most Myanmar workers who hold residence and work permits and have overstayed are deported to Myanmar without blacklisting.