CNI News

25 Dec 2022

The labour activists have urged the Myanmar Embassy in Thailand to negotiate with Thai authorities to renew the passports of Myanmar migrants, labour activists told the CNI.

As there is a large number of Myanmar migrant workers whose passports will expire in 2023, there are concerns that the embassy is unable to renew them in time.

Ko Thar Gyi, a labour activist for Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand, told the CNI, "It sometimes takes about two months to renew passports. Some may get new passports within 10 or 15 day. So, the embassy should negotiate with the labour ministry, immigration and the visa section to extend the visa gap to 90 days or 120 days so that Myanmar migrants can get required documents during the time. If the embassy requests Thai authorities, it is beneficial for migrants whose visas have expired."

Myanmar migrant workers waiting for passport renewal at the Myanmar Embassy.

The Myanmar embassy in Thailand has renewed passports since 7th November but appointment tokens will be issued as of 7th January, 2023.

The embassy announced that passports will be renewed for those who have already received appointment tokens.

Moreover, the embassy announced that migrant workers are required to make appointments by themselves as the embassy will put the seal in their expired passports as of 7th January, 2023 and agents will not be allowed to make appointments.

Labour activists for Myanmar workers in Thailand welcomed the announcements.

Migrant workers.

Consultant U Aung Kyaw of the Migrant Workers Rights Network told the CNI, "It takes months to renew passports. Migrants workers need to have new passports before they renew their visas so that Myanmar workers can submit the new passports to the immigration to renew their visas. If it takes months to renew passports, migrant workers will be fined when they renew their visas. As there is a large number of Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand, we welcome the move to renew passports quickly, smoothly and cheaply. As far as we know, migrant workers have to wait a long time to renew their passports and have to pay much more than the fees designated by the government. Now, agents are not allowed to renew migrant workers' passports and it is beneficial for migrant workers."

In the past, Myanmar migrant workers had to pay agents from Baht 4,000 to 6,500 to make appointments and renew passports.