CNI News

23 Dec 2022

The joint statement issued by the summit of European Union and Association of Southeast Asian Nations leaders failed to support the National Unity Government as the legitimate representatives of the Myanmar people, according to a statement issued by the NUG.

The summit held on 14 December, 2022 called on the military to end violence immediately, to release all political prisoners and to provide humanitarian assistance to all without discrimination.

The NUG issued a statement on 19 December stating that the demands are not new and significant opportunities were missed.

 Pro-democracy demonstrators. (GETTY IMAGES)

The NUG said EU-ASEAN leaders had failed to support the NUG as the legitimate representatives of the Myanmar people, as well as failing to condemn the junta's atrocities against civilians.
The NUG should mainly try to gain domestic support, Myanmar Political Observer Dr Hla Kyaw Zaw told the CNI.

Dr Hla Kyaw Zaw said, "It does not matter whether the international community supports the NUG or not. What is important for it is the continued support of the people. So, the NUG try to unite the people and gain the support of the people. I am not saying not to deal with the international community. It is necessary. It needs to understand the policies of powerful countries."

The NUG said in its statement that Myanmar is in chaos and it is ready to cooperate in the efforts of the EU and the ASEAN to resolve the crisis in Myanmar.

Pro-democracy demonstrators confront security forces. (GETTY IMAGES)

The NUG is elected by the people and will gradually gain the support of the international community, Ko Thar Gyi, a labour activist for Myanmar workers, told the CNI.

He said, "The NUG has announced to the world that it is the government elected by the people and countries will support it gradually. This is because it is not a government that seized power by force but a government took office based on its reasoning. It will become a government that deserves the support of the people."

Currently, the SAC and the NUG are competing diplomatically for international recognition.