CNI News

20 Dec 2022

When Myawady-Mae Sot No (1) Friendship Bridge is reopened, it will be beneficial for returning Myanmar workers as well as job seekers who want to work in Thailand, labour activists told the CNI.

As Myanmar workers in Thailand had to return from Thailand via illegal routes and spent a lot of money, risking arrests, taking measures to reopen the bridge will be beneficial for them, the activists said.

Ko Thar Gyi, a labour activist for Myanmar workers in Thailand, told the CNI, "When the bridge is reopened, there will be about 2 million Myanmar migrant workers who have not been able to return home due to COVID-19 for many years. They want to return home. If the bridge is reopened, people from both sides of the border can visit each other's country by applying for border passes, which will enable Myanmar workers to go to Mae Sot officially and look for jobs."

No (1) Friendship Bridge at Thailand-Myanmar border.

However, Ko Thar Gyi added that it is important for those who cross the bridge to be cautious about their security as the area was frequently hit by explosions recently.

When the bridge is reopened and border passes are issued, the number of illegal Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand is likely to increase, the labour activists warned.

The number of illegal migrants is likely to increase significantly because they can only be deported to Myanmar even if arrested, the activists added.

Reopening the bridge can decrease human trafficking cases but sneaking into Thailand may not be stopped, Advisor U Aung Kyaw of the Migrant Workers Rights Network told the CNI.

Myawady-Mae Sot border gate.

He told the CNI, "Myanmar workers have already known that they can officially work in Thailand under the MOU between the two countries but they are still sneaking into Thailand. Therefore, the number of illegal migrants cannot decrease when the bridge is reopened. This is because it takes a long time to go to work in Thailand under the MOU. The process involves interviews and submission of documents to Nay Pyi Taw to seek approvals. No one wants to wait that long. Many workers think that if they sneak into Thailand with the help of agents, it takes only one or two days.

The bridge has been closed for almost three years although there were unconfirmed reports that it would be reopened soon.

As the bridge is important for transportation of people and goods between the two countries, activists want authorities to reopen the bridge.