CNI News

19 Dec 2022

Banning motorcycles and bicycles in Bago and Magway regions and taking action against riders have caused transportation problems in daily activities for local residents.

The traffic police has banned riding motorcycles in Nattalin, Pyay, Paungde, Gyobingauk and Zigon townships and Taungnyo Village in Bago Region.

Locals who violate the ban are fined or sentenced to prison terms, Ma Phyo Phyo, a Nattalin resident, told the CNI.

She said, "As action was taken against motorcycle riders, people were forced to use cars even to buy goods in the local market. Authorities even took action against bicycle riders if they failed to install bells on their bicycles. As a result, peddlers and deliverymen have to halt their activities. It is difficult to transport goods from place to place. As authorities are taking action against trike and bike riders, transportation is very difficult. Bikers were not only fined but also sentenced to prison terms. Even goods were seized if they carried them. The same held true in Nattalin, Gyobingauk and Paungde. The situation was the worst in Zigon, where local residents were forced to go to Taung Nyo to buy goods. Now, authorities have also closed the road to Taung Nyo."

A police officer searches motorcycle riders.

In Pakokku, motorcycle riders are not allowed to carry pillion passengers and residents are also permitted to ride motorcycles between 8 am and 5 pm.

Business activities have been delayed by such restrictions, U Hla Thaung, an onion merchant from Pakokku, told the CNI.

He said, "In the past, motorcycle riders could carry women passengers. Now, they can carry no one. As the time for riding motorcycles has been restricted from 8 am to 5 pm, people are able to start work at 9 am. Those who come to work in town from villages have to go back home earlier. So, business activities have been delayed."

Motorcycle riders staging a protest in front of security forces.

As security forces shot at motorcycle riders who carried pillion passengers, some of them were shot to death, according to local residents.

As members of People Defence Forces use motorcycles to launch attacks on security forces and run away, authorities in some townships have banned riding motorcycles in their areas.

In small townships, local residents have to rely on motorcycles to go to and from and to carry out their daily activities but banning motorcycles there poses difficulties for them.

SAC Chairman Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing urged people to use bicycles to save fuel.

The SAC has not prohibited riding bicycles and motorcycles officially.