CNI News

17 Dec 2022

Most of the youths in the Spring Revolution are fighting against the military junta not because of the flattery of elders, Political Observers told the CNI.

As the injustice of the Myanmar military is so blatant that no one can prevent them from taking up arms, he added.

Security forces carry our operations. (STR-GETTY IMAGES)

U Than Soe Naing told the CNI, "It is not a war instigated by elders including those from powerful organizations, who are disappointed by the 70 years of the civil war. As the injustice of the military is so blatant that no one can prevent them from taking up arms. Those who say that youths take up arms because of the flattery of elders are opportunists who want to cover up the crimes of the military. It does not reflect the reality on the ground. The reality is that youths and elders are united in the movement. Parents permit their children, who also seek permission from their parents to join the war. Atrocities of the military are so worse than the fascists that they can no longer tolerate the situation."

Some social network posts are spreading a concept that no war has broken out because of youths but they are dying because of war. Some youths accepted that war in Myanmar has erupted not because of them.

Youths taking part in military training. (SOPA-GETTY IMAGES)

The root cause of the war in Myanmar is the military dictatorship, Spokesperson Comrade Aye Lwin of the All Burma Student Democratic Front told the CNI.

He said, "The war in Myanmar has been created by the military dictatorship. It was not not created by any individuals. If the military had not staged a coup, the war would not have escalated to such an extent. The situation during the terms of the quasi-civilian government and the civilian government has deteriorated after the coup."

After the military staged a coup against the civilian government on 1st February, 2021, youths have taken up arms to participate in the Spring Revolution.