CNI News

12 Dec 2022

SAC Chairman Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing has called for effective action against corruption, which undermines the morals and morale of the people and is dangerous for the country.

The chairman made the remarks at the ceremony marking the International Anti-corruption Day on 9th December, 2022. The chairman said that the SAC had been exerting efforts for stability of the country, unity of all national races and development of social economic life and building a federal union based on democracy and federal system in accordance with the political, economic and social objectives adopted during the term in which the SAC has assumed the State power in accordance witht the 2008 constitution.

He added that in doing so, it was of utmost importance to reduce corruption that can undermine the development and stability of the country in all aspects.

Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing at the ceremony to mark International Anti-corruption Day.

The chairman continued to say that as corruption can damage the morale and morals of the people and is dangerous for the country, the Anti-corruption Law was enacted on 7th August, 2013 and effective prevention and action has been taken against it. To prevent and take action against corruption, which takes various forms from time to time, the law had been amended four times. He also urged all to participate in anti-corruption efforts as a national duty.

During the term of the SAC, former Yangon region chief minister U Hla Soe, Yangon region former commerce minister U Aung Than Oo and former secretary of the Yangon Region Government U Soe Soe were sentenced to long prison terms on 8th December, 2022 after being charged with corruption.
Myanmar signed the United Nation Anti-corruption Convention in 2005 and became the 165th member of the convention.

Since 2017, Myanmar has held annual International Anti-Corruption Day ceremonies on 9th December.