CNI News

9 Dec 2022

Authorities in Thailand have rounded up foreigners who are overstaying their visas in an operation, labour activists based in Thailand told the CNI.

Unlike previous operations, authorities have been arresting illegal migrants by setting up checkpoints, using smart patrol vehicles and applying face scanning technologies.

Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand.

Ko Thar Gyi, who has been helping Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand, told the CNI, "Many Myanmar migrants have been arrested recently. They arrested migrants in places where foreigners are likely to be staying such as apartments, condominiums and labour quarters and security has been tightened at border gates. Overstaying foreigners who could not go back to relevant visa sections were blacklisted. They will be deported to their countries. Those who tried to sneak into Thailand were also arrested."

As employers will also be punished if their workers are found to be illegal or overstaying, they are also trying to get residence permits for their workers through agents.

Although authorities in Thailand issued residence permits for illegal migrants in October and the program has ended at present, the permits are still available through agents, according to labour activists for Myanmar workers in Thailand.

People in Thailand. (PBS)

However, the application of residence permits now is more expensive than it was previously, Executive Director U Htoo Chit of the Foundation for Education and Development told the CNI.

He said, "It costs between Baht 16,000 and 20,000 to get a residence permit. In the past, it cost only about Baht 12,000 to do so. Authorities collect between Baht 4,000 and 5,000. As the valid period for application of residence permits have expired, authorities have to launch a special program to issue residence permits for them. So, they have to pay as much as Baht 20,000 for a residence permit. Employers never pay the fees. Workers have to pay for them by themselves. The best way is to work officially in Thailand. Workers who have not received residence permits should be careful when they go out. If they go to festivals and events, it is very dangerous for them. If they stay at their worksites, it is safe for them. I would like to urge workers to get official residence permits."

Thai authorities.

There are many Myanmar migrant workers who do not have residence permits because they could not afford the fees.

Labour activists for Myanmar workers in Thailand have urged them to work officially in Thailand as authorities are not likely to ease their operations and it is difficult to predict new policies about illegal migrants.